Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Our Words

Has it ever occurred to you that our words are powerful? What comes out of our mouths can bestow a positive or negative impact on someone else’s life. In Proverbs 18:21 in says “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit”. Meaning there is true power in our tongue, we all have the ability to either speak life into someone and their situation or we can speak death over them and what they are going through. Which do you find yourself doing most?  I know I have chosen to speak life into each and every person I come into contact with because I know the power that lies in my tongue. This is a conscience choice I make each morning, it doesn’t change depending on my personal situation, or issues I might be going through that morning and it doesn’t change during the course of the day no matter how good or bad my day has been. There is always someone out there that is going through a season in life that needs to hear your words of encouragement. It could be a close friend or a complete stranger that needs you right now.

What I have come to realize each day when I make my choice to speak life into others is that I begin to bear good fruit in return. So today, take the focus off of yourself and add value to someone else by being the hands and feet of this world. Make a choice to positively impact others by being encouraging to them. Speak life into someone each day and watch the fruit you will bear in return!

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