Monday, May 30, 2016

Put Your Dreams To The Test!

Are you tired of living someone's dream? Are you tired of living an empty or unfulfilled life? If the answer is Yes! Then join Dale Richardson and Dr. Sophia Miranda, International Life and Business Coaches, on a journey to Put Your Dreams To The Test. This 5 week Master Mind will change your life! Today is a  one day sale for $49.99. Click the link below to reserve your seat and use discount code MEMORIAL01 to get the discounted price today!

Thursday, May 26, 2016


Does it sometimes it feel as if all that you have is never enough and the ones closest to you make you feel the worst? Do they make you feel as if you are a consistent failure because your situation is not their situation? Well, sometimes they simply don’t understand what you have been through or going through and that’s ok.  You still MATTER! We all fail at things and failure is not final, so don’t let that stop you from chasing your dream, use it as your fuel. You may be financially struggling today but that’s not going to be your story forever, P.U.S.H…….. You may be having what I like to call a character building day (aka “bad day”) but that won’t last forever either….. Take a moment, breath, and P.U.S.H. What doesn’t kill you, will make you stronger. You may bend but you won’t break. You are a lot stronger than you think so continue to P.U.S.H!
What I mean by P.U.S.H is to continue to “Pray Until Something Happens”. I know I have had days like this myself and have to continue to P.U.S.H. Psalms 55:22 says “Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken”.  So, I allow the Lord to be my rock when the world gives me too much to handle and Psalms 55:22 gives me the confidence to keep going.  I am also reminded that struggle and pain is just a part of life but what I do with it, is what counts.
I could have sat and cried and gave up on my dreams because it got too hard but then I would not be this far on my journey. I remind myself that I have come a long way and giving up would be foolish. So I challenge you today to do what others won’t do, to have what others won’t have. Allow your current situation to build your character and when you do cry, don’t cry to give up, cry to keep going. You are already in pain, get a reward from it! Be great and continue to P.U.S.H
~Dr. Miranda

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Put in the work!

I continue to hear people complain about how much they dislike their appearance, relationships, jobs and careers. They complain that there are little to no opportunities out in the market. Yet, they are unwilling to make a change. They make excuses on why they cannot make a change right now. I must admit, I use to be just like the people I hear complain about these very things. Yet, one day I decided to do something about it. I realized that I am the author and director of my life and if I didn’t like what I produced then I needed to change it and if there are no available opportunities out there for me then I would have to create one! In creating a new life that would allow me to experience joy, add value to others and be fulfilled was no easy task however, anything worth having and holding is never easily obtained and you must do what most won’t do, to have what most won’t have! It’s a mindset change!
 So instead of complaining about your current situation or circumstance, step back and evaluate how you can make a change. Once you identify your strengths, talents, and gifts, use them to create a life of significance, one that matters. Then go after your dream like your life depends on it, because it does.
You want to look better…..Work For It, you want better relationships….. Work For It, you want a better job or career… Work For It!
 Brendon Burchard said once that “We get to choose how we’re going to live – what level of energy, what level of vibrancy, what level of excitement” so go out today and be great and don’t forget you must put in work to create the life you want. Success and attaining your dreams will not come without sacrifice and hard work.  Be Unstoppable!
 ~Dr. Miranda

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Single Parents

Single Parents 

As a professional life and business  coach as well as a fellow single parent, I have observed the lack of appreciation of single parents and the lack of motivation to chase dreams. Not just from others but from within themselves. 

Oftentimes, they have put their lives and dreams on hold, to dive in and raise their children. They completely stop dreaming and to remotely think about chasing their dream is far fetch. Yet, to all my single parents,  I want you to know that you Matter! All the sacrifices you have made have not been done unnoticed. However, the one thing I've learned as a single mother is to NEVER stop chasing my dream in the process of raising my children. Why? Because it speaks to my character. My drive has also driven my children to strive for their dreams even when they seem unattainable. 

You see, when you stop dreaming and put life on hold, you are in turn telling your children that it's ok to let situations and circumstances get in-between them and their dream. Instead of balancing the best of both worlds. 

As a life and business coach, I have to opportunity to work with people from all walks of life, but my favorite are the single parents who are relentlessly pursuing their dreams while raising their children. I coach men and women who woke up one morning and said "I had enough, I will no longer use the excuse of being a single parent, it will no longer be a barrier to my success or a crutch in my life" and let me tell you, they have reached their set goals and continue to relentlessly chase their dreams. 

Single parents, you matter, you are loved, and you are also the first example of how a man or woman should behave and act. So what are you telling your child(ren) through your actions today? Are you telling them that when they fail they should stop and quit? Are you telling them that life is too hard, so give up? OR Are you telling them they must have endurance, failure is not final and they should never stop being great? 

Yesterday, as I sat in the audience as my oldest son, presented his project with ease and confidence to his class and parents. I smiled and patted myself on the back while saying "great job mom". Why? Well because I know that even though he was scared, he had watched me overcome great challenges while being scared to do so. With that he did it afraid and in that moment, he grew into his next level. 
Our children are reflections of the examples we have put forth when facing crisis, hardships, struggles and life circumstances. They are the mirrors showing us what we are reflecting and showing the world. 

People use to ask me all the time, "how are you a single mother and still had time to finish a Masters and Doctoral program while working full time and raising your children without missing a beat?" 
I say it's tenacity. Which means I continue to relentlessly chase my dreams regardless of my situation or circumstances. 
I wrote a book talking about my journey. So, I challenge you today to invest in the book "The Parables of a Single Mother"  and reflect on how you will attain greatness while raising your children! 
Click the link below to purchase the book:

It will be worth it! 
Dr. Miranda 

Friday, May 20, 2016


How many of you have felt pain, whether from a heartbreak, losing a friend or family member, or maybe the pain was from overworking yourself? I know I have had my share of pain. The one thing that separates me from the next person is I know that pain doesn’t last forever and I am willing to endure the pain while it is here because my success is on the other side. You see endures is the fact or power of enduring an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way. Many people tend to give up one minute too soon. They are scared to fight for their next level! If they had the endurance to keep going one minute longer they would have conquered their dreams.

I need you to look in the mirror and say to yourself today, I refuse to give up on myself, I refuse to quit because I failed, I refuse to be average! I am willing to do what others won’t do in order to have what others won’t have!

Someone once asked me “when you wake up in the morning what drives you?” and I replied the willingness to endure what life throws at me because I am unstoppable. So, I challenge you today to development a shift in your mindset and attitude, so when you fall on your back, you look up, get up, and NEVER give up.  Be tougher than your life. Because you are UNSTOPPABLE!

~Dr. Miranda

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


How many people did you speak to this morning on your way into work or to school? How many "good mornings" and "how you doings" did you say? I can bet at least a handful, you say it to the store clerk, the person behind the register at your favorite fast food restaurant, or even a coworker. Yet, the real question is, how many of those people did you truly connect with this morning? How many of them did you impact in a positive manner that will add value to their lives? 

This is something I think about when I encounter others, why? Well because people are our greatest assets. Therefore, I am intentional about my encounters with each person that crosses my path from the lovely ladies that I know by name at the local Panera bread to each of my coworkers. I believe when you connect with people on their level they are more open to communicate with me whether it be for personal or professional purposes. 

Connecting with others allows you to have an impact on their lives. Any good communicator understands the key elements of connecting. They know it's not all about "what you say" but rather "how you say it" and "in what matter". 

Your words and manner you deliver a message can make or break an opportunity, a person, or a situation. Marlene Chism says that "By your choices you reveal your commitments".

So, I challenge you today to not just communicate but to also connect with one or two people. The key to connecting is in the details. 
Go forth and Be Great! 

~Dr. Miranda 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Do something you have never done

Jim Rohn once said "I find it fascinating that most people plan their vacations with better care than they do their lives. Perhaps that is because escape is easier than change"
 Do you have a growth plan? Are you looking to improve your life or career? Find and live out your purpose in life? What is it that you want to focus on in order to become the best version of yourself?
Do something you have never done, to be something you have never been.  I challenge you to be Great and to be Unstoppable this summer! Let's do life together and allow me to take this journey of life with you! I am now now accepting new clients.
Contact me today if you are interested: 980-221-9607 or 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Who are you grateful for in life today?

Dr. Christian Northrup once said “Feeling grateful or appreciative of someone or something in your life actually attracts more of the things that you appreciate and value into your life”. In which I agree.
Who are you grateful for in life today? I am grate for my team and the life experiences I have encountered, good and bad because I have learned valuable lessons in order to humble myself, trust in God, and lead others in their purpose. I know that I have several key players in my life that have been my biggest cheerleaders on days that I felt as if there was no reason to get out of bed. My key players love on me, comfort me when I am down and are completely honest with me. We all have an understanding that the truth hurts and we have come to terms with that because the truth will ignite a change. In addition, my key players also ensure that I don’t stay down to long. They allow me to feel the emotions that failures bring but won’t allow me to stew in my failures. Why? Because just as I know, they also know, that is not where my success will be found. With that said my success is not only mine but everyone on my team and I thank you! In my Drake voice “Started from the Bottom, Now we HERE”! 
I challenge you today to evaluate who your key players are in your life and simply be appreciative and grateful them being your biggest cheerleaders in your life. Remember it is not mandatory for anyone to put up with our shenanigans in life, they chose to be there for you! 
~Dr. Miranda

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

What Can I Do For You?

What Can I Do For You?
This morning I woke up hungry for success and the passion to help others. Each morning I think about ways that I can add value to other people for that specific day and how my God given talents can assist in the process. God has blessed me with the gifts of wisdom, exhortation, faith, leadership, and teaching therefore, I will use these gifts to position others for success in their lives. I want to be the giant’s shoulders that my fellow dream chasers can stand on in order to get to their next level.
I have come to realize that this life is not about me but about the value that I add in other people’s lives and when you have this mindset, you tend to accomplish your goals and attain your dreams in the process. My drive is not “what I can do for myself”, it is “what can I do for YOU”, this is the attitude that brings dreams alive!   
So what is your mindset today? Are you dreaming big? Are you focused on just yourself? Well, I challenge you to focus on someone other than yourself today. The impact that you make will be the motivation you need to continue to pursue your goals. Walt Disney once said “All our dreams come true if we have the courage to pursue them” which is true but I also believe that “all your dreams come true when you have the courage to add value to others”.
Go and ask someone: "what can I do for you today?"
Dr. Miranda

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Free 7-Day Experiment

Join me on this Free 7-Day Experiment. This will be a Journey of your life. Just click the link below to get started!

Monday, May 2, 2016

Sacrifice and Breakthrough

I thought about the sacrifices I am currently making in my own life over this past weekend as my pastor prayed over me for my breakthrough which lighten the burden I was feeling. As I sat in service listening to the message on the "Way of Wisdom" I considered who I was seeking out my wisdom from Earthly or Godly. I realized that sometimes like, Carrie Griffin said, " God gives us a course correction" to ensure we are on track to living out our dreams. However, the sacrifices that the course correction requires can be heavy.  
We all come to a point in our lives that we are waiting for a breakthrough, in our finances, in our relationships, in our careers and when waiting on a breakthrough we tend to become weak at heart but don’t give up on yourself, don’t quit and don’t make excuses. It takes sacrifices in life to get what you want and your dreams may  need a little "course correction" for it to come into fruition. So while, we are charting the uncharted course, we need to have the three P’s  which are “Patience, Persistence and a Positive attitude. At times the three P's feel like a huge sacrifice, especially when it comes with giving up your life as you know it, walking away from unhealthy relationships, disciplining yourself with your finances or jumping head first into your own business/new career..... but your breakthrough is coming. Sacrifice and Breakthrough go hand and hand, you can't have one without the other. Willingness to sacrifice is the great paradox. Riley, The Winner Within, (53) notes “You must give up something in the immediate present – comfort, ease, recognition, quick rewards – to attract something even better in the future."
Remember you must be willing to do what most people won’t, in order to live like most people can’t!   So take that leap of faith, make the sacrifice, chase your dreams and you will find your breakthrough! Its coming?
~Dr. Miranda